Youth counseling

For teenagers and young adults

Youth counseling

In order to meet the individual needs of young people, the youth counseling service cooperates with a large number of institutions and companies.

We offer advice, support, information and help with:

How does youth counseling work?

We have a team assistant in youth counseling as well as specialists in the fields of psychology, psychology (M.Sc.) and social pedagogy.

We are here for you:

You can speak to us in person or by phone, anonymously if you wish.
If you prefer, you can also contact us by email.
Phone: 07571 7301-60
Whats App: 0151 55063555
Mail: contact

In youth counseling, we help you...

Good to know:

We provide advice regardless of nationality, ideology and religious affiliation.
We are bound by confidentiality.
Our advice is free of charge.

Your Contacts

Registration and appointment scheduling are always handled by Sylvia Haller, our office administrator.
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für unsere Begegnungsstätte für psychisch kranke Menschen

Helfen Sie uns, das Leben von psychisch erkrankten Menschen zu verbessern! Wir sammeln Spenden, um unseren Mehrzweckraum umzugestalten für:
Bis zum 19. Februar 2025 möchten wir 5.000 € sammeln. Jede Einzelspende bis 50 € wird von der Volksbank Donau-Oberschwaben verdoppelt!
Ihre Unterstützung hilft, Menschen in schwierigen Zeiten zu begleiten und ihnen neue Perspektiven zu bieten. Danke, dass Sie mit uns gemeinsam ein Zeichen setzen!