We are Caritas in the Deanery of Sigmaringen-Meßkirch.
Our Mission Statement in the Association
We have a recognizable, Christian profile.
We work together with church communities, church committees, and associations to jointly shape the local social environment.
We create spaces and structures at all levels of our organization for ethical questions and reflection on our actions, and ensure Christian-ethically based decisions.
We support people regardless of their origin, religion, gender, and sexual orientation.
Caritas is a safe place for people who entrust themselves to us, and for employees.
We treat each other honestly and appreciatively.
We strengthen the potential of people seeking help, support their development, and promote social participation.
We empower people to live self-determinedly and strengthen them in standing up for themselves and their concerns.
We involve family members.
We are advocates for disadvantaged and socially excluded people.
As promoters of solidarity, we represent the concerns of disadvantaged people to society, politics, and within our church.
We work towards a generationally fair social order.
Our view also extends beyond the local situation and perceives need worldwide.
We are a socio-political actor in the social space.
Together with the people in the Sigmaringen district, we advocate for fair living conditions.
We develop forms of participation together with social initiatives.
We support the cooperative collaboration of socially engaged initiatives, associations, and groups.
We join with other associations of independent welfare work, as well as other groups, organizations, and initiatives for joint representation of interests.
We represent the interests of all Caritas member facilities in our association area.
We advocate for the realization of the principle of subsidiarity.
We offer opportunities for volunteer engagement and take up innovative initiatives.
We are appreciative, transparent, and reliable for volunteers.
We have a personnel policy strategy that is linked to the company’s goals.
We use personnel policy instruments to implement the strategy.
Our corporate culture is characterized by mutual respect and appreciation.
The Caritas employer profile is positively recognizable.
When acquiring employees from other countries, we consider the consequences for the country of origin and for the people.
We use resources economically and ecologically responsibly.
We have a special responsibility towards our clients, partners, and the public regarding the trustee use of funds.
We have an innovation-promoting corporate culture and use resources specifically for this purpose. We have a professional organizational structure appropriate to the challenges.
We secure our organization through continuous development and professional standards.
We deploy our own resources in line with our mission, even in areas where no other support systems are in place.
We regularly review the proportionality and effectiveness of the resources used.
To fulfill our charitable mission, we receive church funds.