For people who want to make a difference
We are delighted that you are interested in volunteering with the Caritas Association. Thanks to the voluntary commitment of many people, our association is able to carry out its charitable work so comprehensively and successfully. We would like to thank all those who support us in this .
Making a difference together - right on our doorstep
We stand up for people in need – full-time employees and volunteers together.
Join us – together we will find the volunteer position that suits you!
Join us – together we will find the volunteer position that suits you!
How you can do good: You ...
- want to do something with and for others?
- are looking for a job that is fun and meaningful?
- like to lend a hand?
- have ideas and enjoy using your own talents?
- don't have much time and still want to make a difference?
- are curious and looking for a job where you can gain new experiences?
Then get involved in our areas – you decide for yourself how much time you want to contribute.

Find the volunteer position that suits you
People with Mental Illness
People with mental illness are very often excluded from participating in the community and society. They frequently need support to take action and appreciate assistance in structuring their daily lives, leisure time, support through creative activities, or through exchange and contacts in meeting places.
There are opportunities to volunteer in the area of “people with mental illness” in the following facilities:
In our open & free meeting place, people with mental illness and their relatives have the chance to interact with others and get support. You can find more information about the facility here.
Do you want to get involved here or need more information about volunteering in this area?

- Sandra Scheffold
- Tel: 07571 7301-700
- Email: sandra.scheffold@caritas-sigmaringen.de
Mentally ill adults who live in a family or alone receive advice, various forms of assistance, and personal support, according to their individual needs. You can find more information about the facility here.
Do you want to get involved here or need more information about volunteering in this area?

- Andreas Pfeffer
- Tel: 07571 7301-714
- Email: andreas.pfeffer@caritas-sigmaringen.de
Assisted Living offers professional support to people with mental illness who live in their own homes to enable them to lead an independent life. You can find more information about the facility here.
Do you want to get involved here or need more information about volunteering in this area?

- Andreas Pfeffer
- Tel: 07571 7301-714
- Email: andreas.pfeffer@caritas-sigmaringen.de
In our residential groups, we care for adults who are burdened with complex problems and need medium to long-term care. We specialize in people with mental illnesses and emotional disabilities. You can find more information about the facility here.
Do you want to get involved here or need more information about volunteering in this area?
- Doris Wiedenmann
- Tel: 07571 7301-780
- Email: Doris.Wiedenmann@caritas-sigmaringen.de
The St. Franziskus Workshop is a recognized workshop for people with disabilities (WfbM). It offers 70 jobs for people with mental disabilities. You can find more information about the facility here.
Do you want to get involved here or need more information about volunteering in this area?

- Petra Rieber
- Tel: 07571 74915-19
- Email: petra.rieber@caritas-sigmaringen.de
Flight and Migration
People coming from other countries are grateful for your support in finding their way in Germany, learning the language, dealing with authorities, finding work, and through encounters and exchanges in the meeting cafés
Opportunities to volunteer in the area of “Flight and Migration” are available in the following services:
Here, migrants can find help and advice. You can find more information about the Youth Migration Service here.
Do you want to get involved here or need more information about volunteering in this area?

- Norbert Stauss
- Tel: 07571 7301-26
- Email: norbert.stauss@caritas-sigmaringen.de
The Youth Migration Services accompany young people with a migration background in the process of finding their way and integrating in Germany. You can find more information about the Youth Migration Service here.
Do you want to get involved here or need more information about volunteering in this area?

- Norbert Stauss
- Tel: 07571 7301-26
- Email: norbert.stauss@caritas-sigmaringen.de
In the Social Service for Refugees in shared accommodations or in follow-up accommodation, refugees can find advice, information & support on residence status and asylum procedures, accommodation, financial issues, and personal questions and problems. You can find more information about the Social Service for Refugees here.
Do you want to get involved here or need more information about volunteering in this area?

- Manuela Friedrich
- Tel: 07571 7301-17
- Email: manuela.friedrich@caritas-sigmaringen.de
Elderly care and nursing
Older people and their relatives gratefully accept the diverse offerings of volunteers. You can get involved in residential elderly care or day care. In addition to visiting services, transport services, singing and making music, crafting or playing games, joint walks or conversations are gratefully received.
There are opportunities to volunteer in the field of “elderly care and nursing” in the following facilities:
The St. Klara Day Care Center for the elderly in Sigmaringen offers care and support to enable older people to live at home for as long as possible. You can find more information about the facility here.
Do you want to get involved here or need more information about volunteering in this area?

- Ariane Mayer
- Tel: 07571 6824-84
- Email: st.klara@caritas-sigmaringen.de
The St. Martin Nursing Home offers full-time care, as well as short-term and respite care, and a wide range of service, therapy, and leisure activities. You can find more information about the facility here.
Do you want to get involved here or need more information about volunteering in this area?

- N. N.
- Tel: 07575 9209 0
- Email: st.martin@caritas-sigmaringen.de
Hofgut Müller is a specialized nursing home for MS patients and other severely physically disabled people in Ostrach. You can find more information about the facility here.
Do you want to get involved here or need more information about volunteering in this area?

The Elisabethenhaus Nursing Home is a facility of the Caritas Care Network, which offers full-time residential care services. You can find more information about the facility here.
Do you want to get involved here or need more information about volunteering in this area?

- Irmgard Hund
- Tel: 07585 93073-0
- Email: irmgard.hund@caritas-sigmaringen.de
Charitable social service
People in various life situations are grateful for your support with official appointments, bureaucratic matters, organizing housing and everyday life, professional obligations, or meaningful leisure activities.
Our Caritas Social Service is the first point of contact as a basic service for people in a wide range of emergency situations. You can find more information about the Caritas Social Service here.
Do you want to get involved here or need more information about volunteering in this area?

- Barbara Bischofberger-Schwär
- Tel: 07571 7301-39
- Email: Barbara.Bischofberger-schwaer@caritas-sigmaringen.de
Volunteer pool
You can’t or don’t want to take on a binding commitment?
No problem! You are welcome to register in our volunteer pool
and take on one-time assignments such as driving services, translation services,
accompanying people to authorities or doctor’s appointments when needed.
Do you want to get involved here or need more information about volunteering in this area?

- Manuela Friedrich
- Tel: 07571 7301-17
- Email: manuela.friedrich@caritas-sigmaringen.de
Personal initiative
Would you like to contribute with your own unique idea?
We are open to new ideas and would be happy to support you in implementing them.
Contact us, and we will find a way forward together.

- Manuela Friedrich
- Tel: 07571 7301-17
- Email: manuela.friedrich@caritas-sigmaringen.de
We support you ...
- with full-time contact persons on site
- with advice, exchange meetings and further training
- during the introduction to your work
- for technical questions and personal concerns
- through insurance cover (collective accident and liability insurance)
- through activity records
- with reimbursement of expenses

There are many ways to help
Get in tauch with us
- Caritasverband für das Dekanat Sigmaringen-Meßkirch e.V.
- Volunteering department
- Fidelisstr. 1, 72488 Sigmaringen
- 07571 7301-17
- Ehrenamt@caritas-sigmaringen.de