Caritasverband für das Dekanat Sigmaringen-Meßkirch e.V.
Transparency and Compliance Standards and Regulations at Caritasverband für das Dekanat Sigmaringen-Meßkirch e.V.
Sigmaringen, December 2023
Alexander Sperl
Board Member -
Sebastian Metzger
Board Member
- Our association’s name is “Caritasverband für das Dekanat Sigmaringen-Meßkirch e.V.”, Fidelisstraße 1, 72488 Sigmaringen. The association is registered in the register of associations under the number VR 710104.
- Our statutes in the version dated March 17, 2022, as well as fundamental statements about our mission with its core elements and appropriate criteria for implementation as our mission statement are also published on this homepage.
- The recognition of our association as a tax-privileged charitable organization by the tax office is also on the homepage. According to the provisions of its statutes, the association has a total of three organs:
- Representative assembly of the association’s members
- 9-member, voluntary supervisory board
- Full-time 2-person executive board
- The members of the voluntary supervisory board and the full-time executive board are the following persons:
Voluntary Supervisory Board:
Martina Schäfer (Chairwoman), Father Stefan Havlik (Deputy Chairman), Peter Baumeister, Harald Fischer, Hartmut Höfler, Thomas Jerg, Thomas Kugler, Dean Stefan Schmid, Alfred Stecher
Full-time Executive Board: Alexander Sperl, Sebastian Metzger
- Activity Reports:
Reports on the association’s offerings and activities are regularly published on the homepage. All visitors to our homepage are invited to inform themselves about the essential activities, structure, and organization of our association.
- The association employs about 320 full-time employees, which is equivalent to about 170 full-time positions (as of calendar year 2023). In addition, about 90 part-time and volunteer individuals support our work. These numbers are updated on the homepage once a year.
- Source of Funds/Use of Funds:
Currently, the publication of the source of funds and use of funds does not yet take place on our homepage. We are in the process of preparing appropriate measures in the supervisory board and the executive board together with our auditing company. The members of our association are regularly informed about the source and use of funds, ensuring good transparency in this regard. Through numerous usage reports to public and church funding providers, we ensure appropriate documentation of the use of the funds provided.
- Corporate Affiliations with Third Parties:
Our association does not have any capital investments in other organizations.
- Names of Legal Entities Whose Annual Contributions Exceed 10% of Total Annual Income:
- District of Sigmaringen
- AOK-Baden-Württemberg
- Appropriate Management and Supervisory Structures:
According to the provisions of our statutes, there are appropriate management and supervisory structures that implement the separation of management and supervision. This separation is specified in detail through bylaws. Our supervisory board has the necessary qualifications. The association orients itself in the design of management and supervisory structures to the Working Aid 182 of the German Bishops’ Conference “Social Institutions in Catholic Sponsorship and Supervision”.
- Annual Audit/Regularity of Management:
Our association has established structures and processes that ensure appropriate planning, implementation, and control of fund usage. Funds are used exclusively for the purposes specified in the statutes and the associated necessary administrative tasks. The use of funds generally follows the principles of economy, efficiency, and effectiveness.
The annual financial statement for the calendar year 2022 was audited by the auditing firm ConSigna. The audit for the fiscal year 2022 did not lead to any objections. We received an unqualified audit opinion. For the fiscal year 2023, the Supervisory Board has commissioned the company Curacon to conduct the audit of the annual financial statement. The audit of the annual financial statement is a voluntary audit in accordance with Sections 316 et seq. of the German Commercial Code (HGB).
Since 2010, the regularity of management in our association has been regularly audited based on audit guidelines, currently those of the Association of German Dioceses.
Remuneration of Employees and Executives – Compatibility with Non-Profit Status:
The remuneration of all employees of the association is generally based on the employment contract guidelines of the German Caritas Association. The remuneration takes into account the non-profit status, the qualifications and responsibilities of the respective position, and the industry-standard framework. For publicly funded positions, the prohibition of better treatment according to Section 44 of the Federal Budget Code (BHO) is observed.
In accordance with the provisions of the statutes, the Executive Board’s remuneration is determined by the Supervisory Board. Here, too, the guidelines of the AVR (employment contract guidelines) are followed, combined with an additional allowance for the Executive Board activity, which appropriately takes into account the size and complexity of the association. The amount of this remuneration is based on the standard practice in the Caritas industry.