Caritas as a Safe Place

Protection of Entrusted Persons at Caritas Association Sigmaringen

In implementing the episcopal mandate, the fundamental objective is to ensure the protection of personality
and personal rights of young people, vulnerable adults, and employees. At the same time, Caritas should
continue tobe a safe place for the people entrusted to Caritas as weil as for the employees in its divisions
and facilities.

Measures for implementing the protection of entrusted persons:

A lived culture of mindfulness leads to boundary-respecting behavior
Previous experiences in implementing measures in the area of protection of entrusted persons show that
this can only succeed against the background of a culture of mindfulness.

Caritas as a Safe Place

How Can Caritas help?

Boundary-violating behavior often arises from power imbalances, crisis and overwhelming situations,
entrenched images, convictions and attitudes, or even from envy or selfish interests. Thus, boundary-violating behavior also becomes an issue in terms of the relationship between superiors and employees or
among employees. Since boundary violations often occur on a small scale (e.g., in the form of verbal
assaults or disrespectful behavior), the development of a culture of mindfulness and appreciation that is
actively lived in everyday life can contribute to a boundary-respecting and respectful interaction with each

As an organization with Christian values and traditions, Caritas stands for respecting the person as God’s
image, for their dignity and integrity. Against this background, the culture of mindfulness is already an
inherent requirement and component of Caritas’ self-understanding.

Concretely, boundary-respecting and respectful behavior is already evident in everyday details, such as
appreciative communication or the willingness to see primarily the strengths in others and to trust them
with something.

With a declaration of commitment for employees and staff, full-time and volunteer employees of the
Caritas Association Sigmaringen document that they are committed to making the Church a safe place for
all and that a culture of mindfulness is maintained. This naturally also applies to all employees – they can
expect boundary-respecting behavior and are at the same time co-creators of this culture of mindfulness in
their work. The development of such a culture affects all employee groups and facilities. The protection of
entrusted persons is not only about protection from potential perpetrators but about firmly integrating the
culture of mindfulness into daily routines and processes.

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