Support Counseling in Psychological Crises
Social Psychiatric Service
Mentally ill adults who live in a family or alone receive advice, various forms of assistance, and personal support, according to their individual needs.
Each year, over 250 people affected by mental illness or their relatives turn to the professionals of this service. They receive advice and assistance, including help in dealing with authorities to obtain the necessary social security.
Our offer:
- Experienced professionals advise and support mentally ill or psychologically disabled people who live at home, as well as their relatives and caregivers.
- The service includes help with managing daily life and coping with challenges.
- Sociotherapy is a diagnosis-dependent service of the Social Psychiatric Service prescribed by specialist doctors. With billing to the responsible health insurance, a larger number of special therapy hours are approved to enable sustainable support for the ill individuals.

How does the Social Psychiatric Service work?
Home visits are possible throughout the entire district by appointment. Assistance and contacts for patients’ relatives as well as support after longer hospital stays are included. Upon medical prescription, this specialized service also provides sociotherapy, financed through health insurance.
Discussion groups for patients, support groups for relatives, and various leisure activities complement the aforementioned professional assistance.
What happens at the Breakfast Meet?
- Casual exchange about one's current emotional state, needs experiences
- Escaping everyday life or loneliness for a few hours
- Deepening existing contacts or making new ones
- Arranging individual conversations and assistance for coping with daily life

Worth knowing about social space orientation
The Social Psychiatric Service, Assisted Living, and the Meeting Center form the core of the Community Psychiatric Services at Caritas Sigmaringen. Responsible for the entire Sigmaringen district, three teams share the local responsibilities.
The Social Psychiatric Service is supported by the state of Baden-Württemberg and the Sigmaringen district.