Social services for refugees

Support with initial reception, accommodation & support

Social services for refugees

Social services for refugees in state-run shared accommodation in the district of Sigmaringen Integration management – social services for refugees in municipal follow-up accommodation Social services for refugees in the state initial reception center in Sigmaringen
All asylum seekers and refugees assigned to the shared accommodation Representatives of municipalities, authorities, schools, etc. can contact the Social Service for Refugees.
  • Initial Reception Facility

  • Social Services for Refugees in the State Initial Reception Facility in Sigmaringen (Social and Procedural Counseling LEA)

    We Offer Advice, Information Support:

    Federally Funded Asylum Procedure Counseling since 2023:

    As part of the federally funded asylum procedure counseling (AVB), we have been conducting independent, open-ended, free of charge, individual and
    voluntary asylum procedure counseling
    on behalf of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees since July 2023 in accordance with § 12a of the Asylum Act.

    The aim of the AVB is to strengthen the rule of law, fairness, quality, and efficiency of the asylum procedure as well as the more effective implementation of procedural and protection guarantees. It is intended to ensure that protection seekers and applicants are informed about the purpose and process of the asylum procedure and are advised and supported throughout its course. This should enable them to understand the procedure and its individual steps, to effectively exercise their rights and obligations, and to better assess their options for action.

    Good to know:

    Further information, especially regarding opportunities for voluntary work, can be found at

    The social and procedural counseling in the state initial reception facility is funded by the state of Baden-Württemberg.

    Your Contacts

    State Initial Reception Facility
  • Municipal
    Follow-Up Accommodation

  • Integration Management - Social Service for Refugees in Municipal Follow-up Accommodation

    We offer advice, information support:

    The integration management is financially supported by funds from the state of Baden-Württemberg.

    What Do We Do?

    We support refugees to lead an independent and self-responsible life. We assist refugees in follow-up accommodation in the Sigmaringen district.


    We can offer advice in German, English and French.
    We advise free of charge, regardless of religion or nationality, and we are subject to confidentiality.

    Your Contacts

    Integration Management in the Sigmaringen District

  • Communal Accommodations

  • Social Service for Refugees in State-Run Communal Accommodations in the Sigmaringen District

    We Offer Advice, Information Support:

    Our cooperation:

    We Can Offer Consultation in German, English, and French.

    We provide advice free of charge, regardless of religion or nationality, and we are bound by confidentiality.

    The Social Service for Refugees Is Supported by the Sigmaringen District.

    Your Contacts

    Communal Accommodations

Social Services for Refugees in the State Initial Reception Facility in Sigmaringen (Social and Procedural Counseling LEA)

We Offer Advice, Information Support:

Federally Funded Asylum Procedure Counseling since 2023:

As part of the federally funded asylum procedure counseling (AVB), we have been conducting independent, open-ended, free of charge, individual and
voluntary asylum procedure counseling
on behalf of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees since July 2023 in accordance with § 12a of the Asylum Act.

The aim of the AVB is to strengthen the rule of law, fairness, quality, and efficiency of the asylum procedure as well as the more effective implementation of procedural and protection guarantees. It is intended to ensure that protection seekers and applicants are informed about the purpose and process of the asylum procedure and are advised and supported throughout its course. This should enable them to understand the procedure and its individual steps, to effectively exercise their rights and obligations, and to better assess their options for action.

Good to know:

Further information, especially regarding opportunities for voluntary work, can be found at

The social and procedural counseling in the state initial reception facility is funded by the state of Baden-Württemberg.

Your Contacts

State Initial Reception Facility

Integration Management - Social Service for Refugees in Municipal Follow-up Accommodation

We offer advice, information support:

The integration management is financially supported by funds from the state of Baden-Württemberg.

What Do We Do?

We support refugees to lead an independent and self-responsible life. We assist refugees in follow-up accommodation in the Sigmaringen district.


We can offer advice in German, English and French.
We advise free of charge, regardless of religion or nationality, and we are subject to confidentiality.

Your Contacts

Integration Management in the Sigmaringen District

Social Service for Refugees in State-Run Communal Accommodations in the Sigmaringen District

We Offer Advice, Information Support:

Our cooperation:

We Can Offer Consultation in German, English, and French.

We provide advice free of charge, regardless of religion or nationality, and we are bound by confidentiality.

The Social Service for Refugees Is Supported by the Sigmaringen District.

Your Contacts

Communal Accommodations
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