Cure advice

Strengthen your family & recover from the stress of everyday life

Cure advice

You want to recover from the demands of everyday life, recharge your batteries and reflect on your own role in the family – learn new ways of dealing with multiple stresses.
We will answer all your questions and advise you on your preventive and rehabilitation measures.

Our offer:

How do we work?

We work together with various specialist services, such as the educational counseling center or the Caritas social service.

We also offer financial support in individual cases, e.g. if the cure fails due to the patient’s own contribution.

Who can contact the cure advice service?

Worth knowing

Your health insurance company will decide on the application for a cure and, if approved, will also cover the costs of the cure. We will support you in this process, but the Caritas Association does not offer any cures itself.
We provide advice free of charge, regardless of religion or nationality, and we are bound by confidentiality.

Your Contacts

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für unsere Begegnungsstätte für psychisch kranke Menschen

Helfen Sie uns, das Leben von psychisch erkrankten Menschen zu verbessern! Wir sammeln Spenden, um unseren Mehrzweckraum umzugestalten für:
Bis zum 19. Februar 2025 möchten wir 5.000 € sammeln. Jede Einzelspende bis 50 € wird von der Volksbank Donau-Oberschwaben verdoppelt!
Ihre Unterstützung hilft, Menschen in schwierigen Zeiten zu begleiten und ihnen neue Perspektiven zu bieten. Danke, dass Sie mit uns gemeinsam ein Zeichen setzen!