Meeting Place

Together instead of alone

Meeting Place

A mental illness is a particularly life-changing event in the lives of affected individuals, and it can happen to anyone. In our open & free meeting place, people with mental illness and their relatives have the opportunity to interact with others and seek support.

The services include:

How is a Meeting Place Helpful?

Through a reliable daily structure and professional support, our meeting place offers a path to a more independent lifestyle. Those affected have the opportunity to form social connections, share experiences, and better manage their daily lives. They can learn to approach people again and engage with them.
The Caritas Meeting Place in Sigmaringen also offers numerous physical and relaxation activities with games, fun, and exercise. The goal is to promote and maintain mental and physical fitness.

Opening Hours of the Meeting Place

Interpersonal encounters enrich our lives.

The Meeting Place in Sigmaringen offers help for self-help through reliable daily structure and counseling in all life situations. Attendance is voluntary and not tied to any obligations. Community, culture, socializing, education, fun, and games – Here you can talk openly about everything and completely exchange ideas and further educate yourself.

Your Contacts

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für unsere Begegnungsstätte für psychisch kranke Menschen

Helfen Sie uns, das Leben von psychisch erkrankten Menschen zu verbessern! Wir sammeln Spenden, um unseren Mehrzweckraum umzugestalten für:
Bis zum 19. Februar 2025 möchten wir 5.000 € sammeln. Jede Einzelspende bis 50 € wird von der Volksbank Donau-Oberschwaben verdoppelt!
Ihre Unterstützung hilft, Menschen in schwierigen Zeiten zu begleiten und ihnen neue Perspektiven zu bieten. Danke, dass Sie mit uns gemeinsam ein Zeichen setzen!