Youth migration service

Help and advice for young migrants (JMD)

Youth migration service

Youth Migration Services (JMD) support young people with a migration background in the process of finding their feet and integrating in Germany. Whether you have problems at school, are looking for an apprenticeship or have questions about formalities.
Together with the young people, the advisors set goals and look for offers that match the young people’s individual abilities. Competent and free of charge, with a wide range of offers and in German and English.

We offer advice, information and support:

Our cooperation:

We are the central point of contact for integration courses in the district and also arrange places. The close cooperation with the providers of integration courses in the district and the foreign authorities, the job center, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees & other services/institutions makes it possible to come a little closer to your integration in Germany.
Individual support, professional advice, group and educational offers as well as strong networking in schools and training companies are among the key tasks. The focus is on educational, vocational and social integration.

Who can contact the
youth migration service?

All young people between the ages of 12 and 27 with a migration background, ...

Good to know:

The Youth Migration Service is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs.

Your Contacts

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