Caritas Center St. Martin

Caritas Center in Meßkirch

St. Martin Nursing Home for the Elderly

With financial support from the Archdiocese of Freiburg and funding from the German Aid Organization, the nursing home for the elderly “St. Martin” (formerly Conrad-Gröber-Haus) was built as a replacement. Both the new nursing home and the base of the Catholic Social Stations for the Deanery Sigmaringen-Meßkirch e.V. “St. Heimerad” and their new day care with 12 places have found their place here, as well as the branch office of the Caritas Social Service.
The Caritas Center is located in the “Baden Genius Corner”, the beautiful rural area near Lake Constance, and is also centrally located to the town center of Meßkirch.

What does St. Martin Nursing Home in Meßkirch offer:

We Take Care of You

The identification with our Caritas values and a family atmosphere ensure the well-being of the residents entrusted to us and guarantee a life and aging with dignity.
24-hour service, full-time care, as well as short-term and respite care – We have a wide range of services, therapy, and leisure activities to offer, to enable your relatives to have the best possible life.

What Makes
St. Martin Nursing Home Special?

Facilities/Living Space

Life in St. Martin Nursing Home

Distribution kitchen in the Caritas Center

House Chapel

All-Round Care and Home Feeling

We always try to involve relatives in the home life to maintain connections with family and friends. Therefore, we are particularly pleased when relatives come to the numerous celebrations to celebrate with their loved ones.

Your Contacts

Representative for Medical Device Safety

The facility does not participate in the dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board according to the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act.
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