Caritas Association
for the deanery
Sigmaringen-Meßkirch e.V.
Caritas campaign
Peace begins with me
Set an example for peace
– your participation counts!
– your participation counts!
Caritasverband für das Dekanat Sigmaringen-Meßkirch e.V.
We would like to briefly explain who we are, what our mission is and why we look after many people in special need:
- Our mission is to help people in need regardless of religion, ideology or nationality - comprehensively, professionally and competently.
- We currently have around 320 employees. They are supported by a large number of volunteers and part-time helpers.
- We are the local welfare organization of the Catholic Church, responsible for the Sigmaringen-Meßkirch deanery. In this way, we support the Caritas mission in particular, which every Christian community has to fulfill.
- As a registered association, we are legally independent, but belong to the Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Freiburg.

In the district of Sigmaringen we have 26 different facilities and services for church social work and care, which are presented and explained in more detail on this homepage.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Your board members of the Sigmaringen Caritas Association
Alexander Sperl and Sebastian Metzger
Caritas gives a voice to people in need and the disadvantaged

Social services
Our social services are an important point of contact for people in various challenging life situations. We advise, support, and accompany individuals in overcoming acute crises, provide stability in stressful situations, and offer concrete assistance. Specifically, we are here for:
- Children, adolescents, parents, and families
- People in personal crises
- Expectant parents
- People with migration and refugee backgrounds

Center for Community Psychiatry
In our Center for Community Psychiatry, we are available through various services and facilities for people with mental illnesses and their relatives. The goal is always to enable them to lead a life as independent and self-determined as possible. You can receive support from us in the following areas of life:
- Daily life management and coping with mental crises.
- Living in your own apartment or in a supervised shared living arrangement.
- Participation in working life.

Senior assistance and care
In our elderly care and nursing services and facilities, we address your questions about care. From consultation to the actual care of people in need of nursing, we are here to support you.
- St. Klara Day Care Center Sigmaringen
- St. Martin Caritas Center Meßkirch
- Elisabethenhaus Ostrach
- Hofgut Müller Ostrach
- Counseling Center for Older People and Family Caregivers
Caritas says THANK YOU
In order to help people in need, Caritas relies not only on the active commitment of many volunteers and full-time employees and helpers, but also on financial support. If you would like to support our work in the various areas of social work financially, you can do so in the form of a monetary donation, which is also tax-deductible.
Caritas says THANK YOU
Please use the following bank details:
Hohenzollerische Landesbank Sigmaringen
Bank code: 653 510 50
Account: 835 828
IBAN: DE96 6535 1050 0000 835 828
Keyword: “Donation”
Thank you very much!