Counseling center for elderly people

Counseling for Seniors and Family Caregivers

Counseling Center for Older People and Family Caregivers

We help you with questions about care and support at home, in day care, and in nursing homes.

We provide information on:

Additionally, we facilitate services for outpatient care, day care, short-term care, and full-time residential care.

We provide advice free of charge, regardless of religion or nationality, and we are bound by confidentiality. The consultation can take place in our office or, if needed, at your home.

Discussion Groups for Family Caregivers

Caring for and supporting a family member is a responsible task that often comes with a high burden for the family caregiver. Exchanging experiences with others in similar situations brings relief and also provides suggestions and ideas for daily care.

We offer five discussion groups for family caregivers. We are happy to inform you about the event locations and dates.

Your Contacts

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für unsere Begegnungsstätte für psychisch kranke Menschen

Helfen Sie uns, das Leben von psychisch erkrankten Menschen zu verbessern! Wir sammeln Spenden, um unseren Mehrzweckraum umzugestalten für:
Bis zum 19. Februar 2025 möchten wir 5.000 € sammeln. Jede Einzelspende bis 50 € wird von der Volksbank Donau-Oberschwaben verdoppelt!
Ihre Unterstützung hilft, Menschen in schwierigen Zeiten zu begleiten und ihnen neue Perspektiven zu bieten. Danke, dass Sie mit uns gemeinsam ein Zeichen setzen!